A phytosociological study of the forest, shrub, and steppe vegetation of Kızıldağ and environs (Isparta, Turkey)

Yıl: 2013 Cilt: 37 Sayı: 2 Sayfa Aralığı: 316 - 335 Metin Dili: İngilizce İndeks Tarihi: 29-07-2022

A phytosociological study of the forest, shrub, and steppe vegetation of Kızıldağ and environs (Isparta, Turkey)

The phytosociological properties of the forest, shrub, and steppe vegetation of Kızıldağ (Isparta province) were investigated in 2010 and 2011. The vegetation of the area was analysed using a 3-dimensional ordination technique based on the Braun-Blanquet method. As a result, 5 new plant associations were determined as belonging to forest, shrub, and steppe vegetation and classified syntaxonomically. The associations and their higher units are as follows. Quercetea-Pubescentis Doingt Kraft 1955. Querco-Cedretalia libani Barbéro, Loisel & Quézel 1974. 1. Meliloto bicoloris-Quercetum cocciferae ass. nova. 2. Hyperico heterophylli-Cistetum laurifolii ass. nova. 3. Atraphaxo billardieri-Amygdaletum orientalii ass. nova. Abieto-Cedrion Akman, Barbéro & Quézel 1977. 4. Veronico isauricae- Cedretum libani ass. nova. Astragalo-Brometea Quézel 1973. Onobrychido armenae-Thymetalia leucostomi Akman, Ketenoğlu & Quézel 1985. Phlomido armeniacae-Astragalion microcephali Ketenoğlu, Akman, Quézel & Demirörs 1984. 5. Centauro detonsae-Thymetum sipylei ass. nova
Anahtar Kelime: Kizildag Mountain Turkey shrubs flora steppes phytosociology vegetation types forests Isparta

Konular: Biyoloji
Belge Türü: Makale Makale Türü: Araştırma Makalesi Erişim Türü: Erişime Açık
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APA Sağlam C (2013). A phytosociological study of the forest, shrub, and steppe vegetation of Kızıldağ and environs (Isparta, Turkey). , 316 - 335.
Chicago Sağlam Coşkun A phytosociological study of the forest, shrub, and steppe vegetation of Kızıldağ and environs (Isparta, Turkey). (2013): 316 - 335.
MLA Sağlam Coşkun A phytosociological study of the forest, shrub, and steppe vegetation of Kızıldağ and environs (Isparta, Turkey). , 2013, ss.316 - 335.
AMA Sağlam C A phytosociological study of the forest, shrub, and steppe vegetation of Kızıldağ and environs (Isparta, Turkey). . 2013; 316 - 335.
Vancouver Sağlam C A phytosociological study of the forest, shrub, and steppe vegetation of Kızıldağ and environs (Isparta, Turkey). . 2013; 316 - 335.
IEEE Sağlam C "A phytosociological study of the forest, shrub, and steppe vegetation of Kızıldağ and environs (Isparta, Turkey)." , ss.316 - 335, 2013.
ISNAD Sağlam, Coşkun. "A phytosociological study of the forest, shrub, and steppe vegetation of Kızıldağ and environs (Isparta, Turkey)". (2013), 316-335.
APA Sağlam C (2013). A phytosociological study of the forest, shrub, and steppe vegetation of Kızıldağ and environs (Isparta, Turkey). Turkish Journal of Botany, 37(2), 316 - 335.
Chicago Sağlam Coşkun A phytosociological study of the forest, shrub, and steppe vegetation of Kızıldağ and environs (Isparta, Turkey). Turkish Journal of Botany 37, no.2 (2013): 316 - 335.
MLA Sağlam Coşkun A phytosociological study of the forest, shrub, and steppe vegetation of Kızıldağ and environs (Isparta, Turkey). Turkish Journal of Botany, vol.37, no.2, 2013, ss.316 - 335.
AMA Sağlam C A phytosociological study of the forest, shrub, and steppe vegetation of Kızıldağ and environs (Isparta, Turkey). Turkish Journal of Botany. 2013; 37(2): 316 - 335.
Vancouver Sağlam C A phytosociological study of the forest, shrub, and steppe vegetation of Kızıldağ and environs (Isparta, Turkey). Turkish Journal of Botany. 2013; 37(2): 316 - 335.
IEEE Sağlam C "A phytosociological study of the forest, shrub, and steppe vegetation of Kızıldağ and environs (Isparta, Turkey)." Turkish Journal of Botany, 37, ss.316 - 335, 2013.
ISNAD Sağlam, Coşkun. "A phytosociological study of the forest, shrub, and steppe vegetation of Kızıldağ and environs (Isparta, Turkey)". Turkish Journal of Botany 37/2 (2013), 316-335.