Yıl: 2014 Cilt: 31 Sayı: 1 Sayfa Aralığı: 90 - 98 Metin Dili: Türkçe İndeks Tarihi: 29-07-2022

Assessment of Cases With Intracranial Hydatid Cyst: A 23-Year Experience

Amaç: Kist hidatik enfestasyonlarının %1-2'sinde beyin tutulumu olur. Kranial yerleşimyetişkinlerde nadirdir. Bu çalışmada intrakraniyal kist hidatik olguların; klinik bulguları,radyolojik görüntülemeleri ve tedavilerin irdelemeyi amaçladık.Materyal ve metod: Bu çalışma Ocak 1990- Ekim 2012 yılları arasında serebral kist hidatiknedeniyle opere edilmiş olan 26 hastayı içermektedir.Bulgular: Hastaların 17'si erkek ve 9'u kadın olup, yaş ortalaması 20,3 (yaş aralığı 7-50) idi.Baş ağrısı ve kusma en sık görülen klinik semptomlardı. BT ve MRG'de büyük düz, inceduvarlı, sferikal şekilli, BOS ile aynı dansiteye sahip olan ve perifokal ödem içermeyen,kontrast tutmayan kistik homojen lezyonlar şeklinde gösterildi. Hastaların 2 tanesi komplikeveya enfekte kist olup bunlarda perifokal ödem ve kontrast tutulumu vardı. 20 hastada kistlerrüptüre olmaksızın Dowling teknigi ile doğurtularak total olarak çıkarıldı. Cerrahi sırasındakist hidatiği rupture olan, rekürrensi olan ya da sistemik hidatik kisti olan 11 hasta medikaltedavi aldı.Sonuç: Medikal tedavinin kisthidatikte etkili olduğu görünüyor. Serebral kisthidatiklerrüptüre olmadan total çıkarılmalıdır. Preoperatif görüntüleme yöntemleri cerrahi planlamadaçok önemlidir. Özellikle Kisthidatik hastalığının endemik olduğu ülkelerde, BT veya MRG'dakistik bir lezyon görüldüğü zaman, İntrakranial Kist hidatik akılda tutulması gereken birhastalıktır.
Anahtar Kelime:

Konular: Nörolojik Bilimler

İntrakranial Hidatik Kist Olgularının Değerlendirilmesi: 23 Yıllık Deneyim

Objective: Brain is involved in 1-2% of hydatid cyst infections. A cranial location is rare. Inthis study, we aimed to assess clinical findings, radiological investigations, and treatmentmodalities of cases with intracranial hydatid cyst.Materials and Method: The present study included 26 patients operated for cerebral hydatidcyst disease between January 1990 and October 2012.Results: Seventeen patients were male and 9 were female. The mean age of the studypopulation was 20.3 years (range 7-50 years). Headache and nausea were the most commonclinical symptoms. The lesions were demonstrated by computed tomography (CT) andmagnetic resonance imaging (MRI) as large, smooth, thin walled, spherical-shaped, cystichomogenous lesions with the same density as cerebro spinal fluid, which showed no edema orcontrast uptake. Two patients were complicated or infected cysts with perifocal edema andcontrast uptake. In 20 patients, the cysts were removed completely with Dowlings technique,by rectifying cysts without rupturing. Eleven patients with ruptured cysts during operation,recurrent or systemic hydatid cyst were treated medically.Conclusion: Medical therapy appears effective in hydatid cyst disease. Cerebral hydatid cystsshould be excised totally without rupturing them. Preoperative imaging techniques are centralto surgical planning. Intracranial hydatid cyst should be remembered when CT or MRI showsa cystic lesion, especially in countries where hydatid cyst is endemic.
Anahtar Kelime:

Konular: Nörolojik Bilimler
Belge Türü: Makale Makale Türü: Araştırma Makalesi Erişim Türü: Erişime Açık
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APA TURAN Y, YILMAZ T, GOCMEZ C, KAMAŞAK K, KEMALOĞLU S, Tekin R, Hattapoğlu S, BOZKAYA H, Çalışkan A, CEVİZ A (2014). Assessment of Cases With Intracranial Hydatid Cyst: A 23-Year Experience. , 90 - 98.
Chicago TURAN Yahya,YILMAZ Tevfik,GOCMEZ Cüneyt,KAMAŞAK Kağan,KEMALOĞLU Serdar,Tekin Recep,Hattapoğlu Salih,BOZKAYA HALIL,Çalışkan Alper,CEVİZ Adnan Assessment of Cases With Intracranial Hydatid Cyst: A 23-Year Experience. (2014): 90 - 98.
MLA TURAN Yahya,YILMAZ Tevfik,GOCMEZ Cüneyt,KAMAŞAK Kağan,KEMALOĞLU Serdar,Tekin Recep,Hattapoğlu Salih,BOZKAYA HALIL,Çalışkan Alper,CEVİZ Adnan Assessment of Cases With Intracranial Hydatid Cyst: A 23-Year Experience. , 2014, ss.90 - 98.
AMA TURAN Y,YILMAZ T,GOCMEZ C,KAMAŞAK K,KEMALOĞLU S,Tekin R,Hattapoğlu S,BOZKAYA H,Çalışkan A,CEVİZ A Assessment of Cases With Intracranial Hydatid Cyst: A 23-Year Experience. . 2014; 90 - 98.
Vancouver TURAN Y,YILMAZ T,GOCMEZ C,KAMAŞAK K,KEMALOĞLU S,Tekin R,Hattapoğlu S,BOZKAYA H,Çalışkan A,CEVİZ A Assessment of Cases With Intracranial Hydatid Cyst: A 23-Year Experience. . 2014; 90 - 98.
IEEE TURAN Y,YILMAZ T,GOCMEZ C,KAMAŞAK K,KEMALOĞLU S,Tekin R,Hattapoğlu S,BOZKAYA H,Çalışkan A,CEVİZ A "Assessment of Cases With Intracranial Hydatid Cyst: A 23-Year Experience." , ss.90 - 98, 2014.
ISNAD TURAN, Yahya vd. "Assessment of Cases With Intracranial Hydatid Cyst: A 23-Year Experience". (2014), 90-98.
APA TURAN Y, YILMAZ T, GOCMEZ C, KAMAŞAK K, KEMALOĞLU S, Tekin R, Hattapoğlu S, BOZKAYA H, Çalışkan A, CEVİZ A (2014). Assessment of Cases With Intracranial Hydatid Cyst: A 23-Year Experience. Journal of Neurological Sciences (Turkish), 31(1), 90 - 98.
Chicago TURAN Yahya,YILMAZ Tevfik,GOCMEZ Cüneyt,KAMAŞAK Kağan,KEMALOĞLU Serdar,Tekin Recep,Hattapoğlu Salih,BOZKAYA HALIL,Çalışkan Alper,CEVİZ Adnan Assessment of Cases With Intracranial Hydatid Cyst: A 23-Year Experience. Journal of Neurological Sciences (Turkish) 31, no.1 (2014): 90 - 98.
MLA TURAN Yahya,YILMAZ Tevfik,GOCMEZ Cüneyt,KAMAŞAK Kağan,KEMALOĞLU Serdar,Tekin Recep,Hattapoğlu Salih,BOZKAYA HALIL,Çalışkan Alper,CEVİZ Adnan Assessment of Cases With Intracranial Hydatid Cyst: A 23-Year Experience. Journal of Neurological Sciences (Turkish), vol.31, no.1, 2014, ss.90 - 98.
AMA TURAN Y,YILMAZ T,GOCMEZ C,KAMAŞAK K,KEMALOĞLU S,Tekin R,Hattapoğlu S,BOZKAYA H,Çalışkan A,CEVİZ A Assessment of Cases With Intracranial Hydatid Cyst: A 23-Year Experience. Journal of Neurological Sciences (Turkish). 2014; 31(1): 90 - 98.
Vancouver TURAN Y,YILMAZ T,GOCMEZ C,KAMAŞAK K,KEMALOĞLU S,Tekin R,Hattapoğlu S,BOZKAYA H,Çalışkan A,CEVİZ A Assessment of Cases With Intracranial Hydatid Cyst: A 23-Year Experience. Journal of Neurological Sciences (Turkish). 2014; 31(1): 90 - 98.
IEEE TURAN Y,YILMAZ T,GOCMEZ C,KAMAŞAK K,KEMALOĞLU S,Tekin R,Hattapoğlu S,BOZKAYA H,Çalışkan A,CEVİZ A "Assessment of Cases With Intracranial Hydatid Cyst: A 23-Year Experience." Journal of Neurological Sciences (Turkish), 31, ss.90 - 98, 2014.
ISNAD TURAN, Yahya vd. "Assessment of Cases With Intracranial Hydatid Cyst: A 23-Year Experience". Journal of Neurological Sciences (Turkish) 31/1 (2014), 90-98.