Yıl: 2017 Cilt: 9 Sayı: 2 Sayfa Aralığı: 66 - 80 Metin Dili: İngilizce İndeks Tarihi: 29-07-2022

The Preschool Classroom Management and Inclusion in Turkey

This study evaluates classroom management of preschool teachers by using the data collected from 147 teachers who have and do not have children with disabilities in their classrooms. The Turkish Form of the Teacher Strategies Questionnaire (TSQ-T) was used for gathering data based on teachers’ opinions of the classroom management strategies that they use. The authors found that the TSQ-T is a reliable instrument for investigating preschool classroom management, and that the frequency and usefulness scores regarding the management strategies of the teachers who have and do not have children with disabilities in their classrooms are similar, except for the fact that the inclusive classroom teachers view the negative strategies as being less useful than the other group of teachers. In addition, the Turkish teachers have almost the highest scores on their current and future confidence in being able to deal with problems. The authors discussed the results in terms of the content of the pre-service and in-service classroom management courses and practicums related to management skills of the preschool teachers and the teacher candidates
Anahtar Kelime:

Konular: Eğitim, Eğitim Araştırmaları
Belge Türü: Makale Makale Türü: Araştırma Makalesi Erişim Türü: Erişime Açık
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APA SUCUOĞLU N, BAYRAKLI H, İŞCEN KARASU F, Demir S (2017). The Preschool Classroom Management and Inclusion in Turkey. , 66 - 80.
Chicago SUCUOĞLU NİMET BÜLBİN,BAYRAKLI Hatice,İŞCEN KARASU Fadime,Demir Seyda The Preschool Classroom Management and Inclusion in Turkey. (2017): 66 - 80.
MLA SUCUOĞLU NİMET BÜLBİN,BAYRAKLI Hatice,İŞCEN KARASU Fadime,Demir Seyda The Preschool Classroom Management and Inclusion in Turkey. , 2017, ss.66 - 80.
AMA SUCUOĞLU N,BAYRAKLI H,İŞCEN KARASU F,Demir S The Preschool Classroom Management and Inclusion in Turkey. . 2017; 66 - 80.
Vancouver SUCUOĞLU N,BAYRAKLI H,İŞCEN KARASU F,Demir S The Preschool Classroom Management and Inclusion in Turkey. . 2017; 66 - 80.
IEEE SUCUOĞLU N,BAYRAKLI H,İŞCEN KARASU F,Demir S "The Preschool Classroom Management and Inclusion in Turkey." , ss.66 - 80, 2017.
ISNAD SUCUOĞLU, NİMET BÜLBİN vd. "The Preschool Classroom Management and Inclusion in Turkey". (2017), 66-80.
APA SUCUOĞLU N, BAYRAKLI H, İŞCEN KARASU F, Demir S (2017). The Preschool Classroom Management and Inclusion in Turkey. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF EARLY CHILDHOOD SPECIAL EDUCATION, 9(2), 66 - 80.
Chicago SUCUOĞLU NİMET BÜLBİN,BAYRAKLI Hatice,İŞCEN KARASU Fadime,Demir Seyda The Preschool Classroom Management and Inclusion in Turkey. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF EARLY CHILDHOOD SPECIAL EDUCATION 9, no.2 (2017): 66 - 80.
MLA SUCUOĞLU NİMET BÜLBİN,BAYRAKLI Hatice,İŞCEN KARASU Fadime,Demir Seyda The Preschool Classroom Management and Inclusion in Turkey. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF EARLY CHILDHOOD SPECIAL EDUCATION, vol.9, no.2, 2017, ss.66 - 80.
AMA SUCUOĞLU N,BAYRAKLI H,İŞCEN KARASU F,Demir S The Preschool Classroom Management and Inclusion in Turkey. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF EARLY CHILDHOOD SPECIAL EDUCATION. 2017; 9(2): 66 - 80.
Vancouver SUCUOĞLU N,BAYRAKLI H,İŞCEN KARASU F,Demir S The Preschool Classroom Management and Inclusion in Turkey. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF EARLY CHILDHOOD SPECIAL EDUCATION. 2017; 9(2): 66 - 80.
IEEE SUCUOĞLU N,BAYRAKLI H,İŞCEN KARASU F,Demir S "The Preschool Classroom Management and Inclusion in Turkey." INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF EARLY CHILDHOOD SPECIAL EDUCATION, 9, ss.66 - 80, 2017.
ISNAD SUCUOĞLU, NİMET BÜLBİN vd. "The Preschool Classroom Management and Inclusion in Turkey". INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF EARLY CHILDHOOD SPECIAL EDUCATION 9/2 (2017), 66-80.