Multicenter Retrospective Analysis of Turkish Patients with Chronic Myeloproliferative Neoplasms

Yıl: 2017 Cilt: 34 Sayı: 1 Sayfa Aralığı: 27 - 33 Metin Dili: Türkçe İndeks Tarihi: 29-07-2022

Multicenter Retrospective Analysis of Turkish Patients with Chronic Myeloproliferative Neoplasms

Amaç: Polisitemia vera (PV), esansiyel trombositemi (ET) ve primer miyelofibrozu (PMF) içeren kronik miyeloproliferatif neoplaziler (KMPN), bir ya da birden fazla serinin klonal proliferasyonu ile karakterize Philadelphia kromozomu negatif olan malignitelerdir. Bu çalışmanın amacı, Türkiye'de KMPN'li hastaların demografik özellikleri, hastalık karakteristikleri, tedavi stratejileri ve yaşam oranlarını belirlemektir.Gereç ve Yöntemler: Türkiye'nin her yanından 9 merkez çalışmaya katıldı. Biz geriye dönük olarak ET'li 390, PV'li 213 ve PMF'li 105 hasta olmak üzere toplam 708 KMPN'li hastanın verisini değerlendirdik. Bulgular: JAK-2 mutasyonu PV'li hastaların %86'sında, ET'li hastaların %51,5'inde ve PMF'li hastaların %50,4'ünde pozitif bulundu. Tanıda tromboz ve kanama, PV'li hastaların sırasıyla %20,6 ve %7,5'inde, ET'li hastaların %15,1 ve %9'unda ve PMF'li hastaların %9,5 ve %10,4'ünde saptandı. Altı yüz sekiz hasta (%85,9) sitoredüktif tedavi almıştı. En sık kullanılan ilaç hidroksiüre (%89,6) idi. Lösemik ve fibrotik transformasyon sıklığı %0,6 ve %13,2 idi. 10 yıllık hesaplanan toplam sağkalım PV, ET ve PMF hastalarında sırasıyla %89,7, %85 ve %82,5 idi. 10 yıllık toplam sağkalım açısından ET, PV ve PMF hastalarında anlamlı fark yoktu.Sonuç: Sonuçlarımız, PMF hastalarının yüksek sağkalımı hariç literatürle benzerdir. Hidroksiüre ülkemizdeki en sık kullanılan sitoredüktif ajandır. Bizim çalışmamız, Türk KMPN hastalarının demografik özelliklerini, hastaların karakteristiklerini, tedavilerini ve sağkalım oranlarını yansıtmaktadır
Anahtar Kelime:

Konular: Hematoloji

Kronik Miyeloproliferatif Neoplazi Tanılı Türk Hastaların Geriye Dönük ve Çok Merkezli Analizi

Objective: Chronic myeloproliferative neoplasms (CMPNs) that include polycythemia vera (PV), essential thrombocythemia (ET), and primary myelofibrosis (PMF) are Philadelphia-negative malignancies characterized by a clonal proliferation of one or several lineages. The aim of this report was to determine the demographic features, disease characteristics, treatment strategies, and survival rates of patients with CMPNs in Turkey. Materials and Methods: Across all of Turkey, 9 centers were enrolled in the study. We retrospectively evaluated 708 CMPN patients’ results including 390 with ET, 213 with PV, and 105 with PMF. Results: The JAK2V617F mutation was found positive in 86% of patients with PV, in 51.5% of patients with ET, and in 50.4% of patients with PMF. Thrombosis and bleeding at diagnosis occurred in 20.6% and 7.5% of PV patients, 15.1% and 9% of ET patients, and 9.5% and 10.4% of PMF patients, respectively. Six hundred and eight patients (85.9%) received cytoreductive therapy. The most commonly used drug was hydroxyurea (89.6%). Leukemic and fibrotic transformations occurred at rates of 0.6% and 13.2%. The estimated overall survival in PV, ET, and PMF patients was 89.7%, 85%, and 82.5% at 10 years, respectively. There were no significant differences between survival in ET, PV, and PMF patients at 10 years. Conclusion: Our patients’ results are generally compatible with the literature findings, except for the relatively high survival rate in PMF patients. Hydroxyurea was the most commonly used cytoreductive therapy. Our study reflects the demographic features, patient characteristics, treatments, and survival rates of Turkish CMPN patients
Anahtar Kelime:

Konular: Hematoloji
Belge Türü: Makale Makale Türü: Araştırma Makalesi Erişim Türü: Erişime Açık
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APA SOYER N, HAZNEDAROĞLU İ, Cömert M, ÇEKDEMIR D, YILMAZ M, ÜNAL A, AKGÜN ÇAĞLIYAN G, Bilgir O, ilhan o, Gediz F, KAYA E, Sahin F, vural f, SAYDAM G (2017). Multicenter Retrospective Analysis of Turkish Patients with Chronic Myeloproliferative Neoplasms. , 27 - 33.
Chicago SOYER Nur,HAZNEDAROĞLU İbrahim C.,Cömert Melda,ÇEKDEMIR DEMET,YILMAZ MEHMET,ÜNAL Ali,AKGÜN ÇAĞLIYAN GÜLSÜM,Bilgir Oktay,ilhan osman,Gediz Fusun,KAYA Emin,Sahin Fahri,vural filiz,SAYDAM Güray Multicenter Retrospective Analysis of Turkish Patients with Chronic Myeloproliferative Neoplasms. (2017): 27 - 33.
MLA SOYER Nur,HAZNEDAROĞLU İbrahim C.,Cömert Melda,ÇEKDEMIR DEMET,YILMAZ MEHMET,ÜNAL Ali,AKGÜN ÇAĞLIYAN GÜLSÜM,Bilgir Oktay,ilhan osman,Gediz Fusun,KAYA Emin,Sahin Fahri,vural filiz,SAYDAM Güray Multicenter Retrospective Analysis of Turkish Patients with Chronic Myeloproliferative Neoplasms. , 2017, ss.27 - 33.
AMA SOYER N,HAZNEDAROĞLU İ,Cömert M,ÇEKDEMIR D,YILMAZ M,ÜNAL A,AKGÜN ÇAĞLIYAN G,Bilgir O,ilhan o,Gediz F,KAYA E,Sahin F,vural f,SAYDAM G Multicenter Retrospective Analysis of Turkish Patients with Chronic Myeloproliferative Neoplasms. . 2017; 27 - 33.
Vancouver SOYER N,HAZNEDAROĞLU İ,Cömert M,ÇEKDEMIR D,YILMAZ M,ÜNAL A,AKGÜN ÇAĞLIYAN G,Bilgir O,ilhan o,Gediz F,KAYA E,Sahin F,vural f,SAYDAM G Multicenter Retrospective Analysis of Turkish Patients with Chronic Myeloproliferative Neoplasms. . 2017; 27 - 33.
IEEE SOYER N,HAZNEDAROĞLU İ,Cömert M,ÇEKDEMIR D,YILMAZ M,ÜNAL A,AKGÜN ÇAĞLIYAN G,Bilgir O,ilhan o,Gediz F,KAYA E,Sahin F,vural f,SAYDAM G "Multicenter Retrospective Analysis of Turkish Patients with Chronic Myeloproliferative Neoplasms." , ss.27 - 33, 2017.
ISNAD SOYER, Nur vd. "Multicenter Retrospective Analysis of Turkish Patients with Chronic Myeloproliferative Neoplasms". (2017), 27-33.
APA SOYER N, HAZNEDAROĞLU İ, Cömert M, ÇEKDEMIR D, YILMAZ M, ÜNAL A, AKGÜN ÇAĞLIYAN G, Bilgir O, ilhan o, Gediz F, KAYA E, Sahin F, vural f, SAYDAM G (2017). Multicenter Retrospective Analysis of Turkish Patients with Chronic Myeloproliferative Neoplasms. Turkish Journal of Hematology, 34(1), 27 - 33.
Chicago SOYER Nur,HAZNEDAROĞLU İbrahim C.,Cömert Melda,ÇEKDEMIR DEMET,YILMAZ MEHMET,ÜNAL Ali,AKGÜN ÇAĞLIYAN GÜLSÜM,Bilgir Oktay,ilhan osman,Gediz Fusun,KAYA Emin,Sahin Fahri,vural filiz,SAYDAM Güray Multicenter Retrospective Analysis of Turkish Patients with Chronic Myeloproliferative Neoplasms. Turkish Journal of Hematology 34, no.1 (2017): 27 - 33.
MLA SOYER Nur,HAZNEDAROĞLU İbrahim C.,Cömert Melda,ÇEKDEMIR DEMET,YILMAZ MEHMET,ÜNAL Ali,AKGÜN ÇAĞLIYAN GÜLSÜM,Bilgir Oktay,ilhan osman,Gediz Fusun,KAYA Emin,Sahin Fahri,vural filiz,SAYDAM Güray Multicenter Retrospective Analysis of Turkish Patients with Chronic Myeloproliferative Neoplasms. Turkish Journal of Hematology, vol.34, no.1, 2017, ss.27 - 33.
AMA SOYER N,HAZNEDAROĞLU İ,Cömert M,ÇEKDEMIR D,YILMAZ M,ÜNAL A,AKGÜN ÇAĞLIYAN G,Bilgir O,ilhan o,Gediz F,KAYA E,Sahin F,vural f,SAYDAM G Multicenter Retrospective Analysis of Turkish Patients with Chronic Myeloproliferative Neoplasms. Turkish Journal of Hematology. 2017; 34(1): 27 - 33.
Vancouver SOYER N,HAZNEDAROĞLU İ,Cömert M,ÇEKDEMIR D,YILMAZ M,ÜNAL A,AKGÜN ÇAĞLIYAN G,Bilgir O,ilhan o,Gediz F,KAYA E,Sahin F,vural f,SAYDAM G Multicenter Retrospective Analysis of Turkish Patients with Chronic Myeloproliferative Neoplasms. Turkish Journal of Hematology. 2017; 34(1): 27 - 33.
IEEE SOYER N,HAZNEDAROĞLU İ,Cömert M,ÇEKDEMIR D,YILMAZ M,ÜNAL A,AKGÜN ÇAĞLIYAN G,Bilgir O,ilhan o,Gediz F,KAYA E,Sahin F,vural f,SAYDAM G "Multicenter Retrospective Analysis of Turkish Patients with Chronic Myeloproliferative Neoplasms." Turkish Journal of Hematology, 34, ss.27 - 33, 2017.
ISNAD SOYER, Nur vd. "Multicenter Retrospective Analysis of Turkish Patients with Chronic Myeloproliferative Neoplasms". Turkish Journal of Hematology 34/1 (2017), 27-33.