Yıl: 2019 Cilt: 20 Sayı: 3 Sayfa Aralığı: 831 - 841 Metin Dili: İngilizce DOI: 10.17679/inuefd.513399 İndeks Tarihi: 06-10-2020

Interparental Conflict and Emerging Adults’ Psychological Distress: Do Cognitive Appraisals Matter?

Exposure to interparental conflict is a risk factor for psychological problems in emerging adulthood. The present study explored the links among interparental conflict, cognitive appraisals, and psychological distress in emerging adulthood. Three hundred thirteen emerging adults (228 females, 72.8%; 85 males, 27.2%) between the ages of 18 to 27 (M = 19.86, SD = 1.54) participated in the research. Participants completed measures of Perception of Interparental Conflict Scale (CPIC), Threat and Self-blame scales of the CPIC, and Brief Symptom Inventory (BSI). Findings showed that interparental conflict directly affected the appraisals of threat and self-blame in emerging adulthood. Results from multiple mediation analyses indicated that appraisals of threat and self-blame fully mediate the relationship between interparental conflict and psychological distress. That is, interparental conflict was linked to increased appraisals of threat and self-blame, which in turn was related to greater psychological distress. Results suggest that exposure to interparental conflict is still a potential risk factor beyond childhood and adolescence period.
Anahtar Kelime:

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APA Özdemir Y, Sağkal A (2019). Interparental Conflict and Emerging Adults’ Psychological Distress: Do Cognitive Appraisals Matter?. , 831 - 841. 10.17679/inuefd.513399
Chicago Özdemir Yalçın,Sağkal Ali Serdar Interparental Conflict and Emerging Adults’ Psychological Distress: Do Cognitive Appraisals Matter?. (2019): 831 - 841. 10.17679/inuefd.513399
MLA Özdemir Yalçın,Sağkal Ali Serdar Interparental Conflict and Emerging Adults’ Psychological Distress: Do Cognitive Appraisals Matter?. , 2019, ss.831 - 841. 10.17679/inuefd.513399
AMA Özdemir Y,Sağkal A Interparental Conflict and Emerging Adults’ Psychological Distress: Do Cognitive Appraisals Matter?. . 2019; 831 - 841. 10.17679/inuefd.513399
Vancouver Özdemir Y,Sağkal A Interparental Conflict and Emerging Adults’ Psychological Distress: Do Cognitive Appraisals Matter?. . 2019; 831 - 841. 10.17679/inuefd.513399
IEEE Özdemir Y,Sağkal A "Interparental Conflict and Emerging Adults’ Psychological Distress: Do Cognitive Appraisals Matter?." , ss.831 - 841, 2019. 10.17679/inuefd.513399
ISNAD Özdemir, Yalçın - Sağkal, Ali Serdar. "Interparental Conflict and Emerging Adults’ Psychological Distress: Do Cognitive Appraisals Matter?". (2019), 831-841. https://doi.org/10.17679/inuefd.513399
APA Özdemir Y, Sağkal A (2019). Interparental Conflict and Emerging Adults’ Psychological Distress: Do Cognitive Appraisals Matter?. İnönü Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 20(3), 831 - 841. 10.17679/inuefd.513399
Chicago Özdemir Yalçın,Sağkal Ali Serdar Interparental Conflict and Emerging Adults’ Psychological Distress: Do Cognitive Appraisals Matter?. İnönü Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi 20, no.3 (2019): 831 - 841. 10.17679/inuefd.513399
MLA Özdemir Yalçın,Sağkal Ali Serdar Interparental Conflict and Emerging Adults’ Psychological Distress: Do Cognitive Appraisals Matter?. İnönü Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, vol.20, no.3, 2019, ss.831 - 841. 10.17679/inuefd.513399
AMA Özdemir Y,Sağkal A Interparental Conflict and Emerging Adults’ Psychological Distress: Do Cognitive Appraisals Matter?. İnönü Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi. 2019; 20(3): 831 - 841. 10.17679/inuefd.513399
Vancouver Özdemir Y,Sağkal A Interparental Conflict and Emerging Adults’ Psychological Distress: Do Cognitive Appraisals Matter?. İnönü Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi. 2019; 20(3): 831 - 841. 10.17679/inuefd.513399
IEEE Özdemir Y,Sağkal A "Interparental Conflict and Emerging Adults’ Psychological Distress: Do Cognitive Appraisals Matter?." İnönü Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 20, ss.831 - 841, 2019. 10.17679/inuefd.513399
ISNAD Özdemir, Yalçın - Sağkal, Ali Serdar. "Interparental Conflict and Emerging Adults’ Psychological Distress: Do Cognitive Appraisals Matter?". İnönü Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi 20/3 (2019), 831-841. https://doi.org/10.17679/inuefd.513399