Yıl: 2021 Cilt: 30 Sayı: 1 Sayfa Aralığı: 109 - 128 Metin Dili: İngilizce DOI: 10.26650/siyasal.2021.30.1.862827 İndeks Tarihi: 11-06-2021

Analysis of Transforming Security Through the Water Resources and Affiliated Conflicts Between 2000 and 2019: Case of Iraq, Syria and Turkey

The aim of this study is to analyze the changing nature of water security and affiliated conflicts within the scope ofsecurity conceptualization at individual and state levels between the years 2000-2019. It was set out that water conflictsand water insecurity in Iraq, Syria and Turkey in the 20-year period after 2000 were caused by attacks to water resourcesand infrastructure at micro and mezzo levels, other than natural disasters such as climate change and reduced waterresources. This research focuses on the water conflicts that have arisen in recent years, with some exceptions, notbetween states but by groups operating at regional levels. It has also been observed in recent years that terrorisminducedattacks have focused on waterways and threatens water security. The study focused on the conflicts occurring inIraq, Syria and Turkey and the causes of these conflicts within the framework of comparative analysis method.
Anahtar Kelime:

2000-2019 Yılları Arasında Su Güvenliği ve Çatışmalar Üzerinden Değişen Güvenliğin Analizi: Irak, Suriye ve Türkiye Örnekleri

Bu çalışmanın amacı; 2000-2019 yılları arasında su güvenliği ve su çatışmalarının birey ve devlet güvenliği kapsamında değişen niteliğinin analizini yapmaktır. Bu çalışmada; iklim değişimi ve azalan su kaynakları dışında; 2000 sonrası 20 yıllık dönemde Irak, Suriye ve Türkiye’deki su kaynaklarına ve altyapısına yapılan saldırıları konu edinmektedir. Bu kapsamda su güvensizliğinin mikro ve mezo seviyede su kaynaklarını ve altyapısını hedef alan saldırılardan kaynaklandığı ortaya konmuştur. Su çatışmaları, son yıllarda, bazı istisnalar hariç, devletler arasında değil bölgesel nitelikte faaliyet gösteren gruplar tarafından yürütülmektedir. Bu çerçevede son yıllarda terörizm kaynaklı saldırıların su yolları üzerine yoğunlaştığı ve su güvenliğini tehdit ettiği gözlemlenmiştir. Çalışma; Irak, Suriye ve Türkiye’de meydana gelen su odaklı çatışmalara ve bu çatışmaların nedenlerine odaklanarak karşılaştırmalı analiz yöntemi çerçevesinde incelenmiştir.
Anahtar Kelime:

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APA Aslan M, OZBEK C (2021). Analysis of Transforming Security Through the Water Resources and Affiliated Conflicts Between 2000 and 2019: Case of Iraq, Syria and Turkey. , 109 - 128. 10.26650/siyasal.2021.30.1.862827
Chicago Aslan Murat,OZBEK CUMA ALI Analysis of Transforming Security Through the Water Resources and Affiliated Conflicts Between 2000 and 2019: Case of Iraq, Syria and Turkey. (2021): 109 - 128. 10.26650/siyasal.2021.30.1.862827
MLA Aslan Murat,OZBEK CUMA ALI Analysis of Transforming Security Through the Water Resources and Affiliated Conflicts Between 2000 and 2019: Case of Iraq, Syria and Turkey. , 2021, ss.109 - 128. 10.26650/siyasal.2021.30.1.862827
AMA Aslan M,OZBEK C Analysis of Transforming Security Through the Water Resources and Affiliated Conflicts Between 2000 and 2019: Case of Iraq, Syria and Turkey. . 2021; 109 - 128. 10.26650/siyasal.2021.30.1.862827
Vancouver Aslan M,OZBEK C Analysis of Transforming Security Through the Water Resources and Affiliated Conflicts Between 2000 and 2019: Case of Iraq, Syria and Turkey. . 2021; 109 - 128. 10.26650/siyasal.2021.30.1.862827
IEEE Aslan M,OZBEK C "Analysis of Transforming Security Through the Water Resources and Affiliated Conflicts Between 2000 and 2019: Case of Iraq, Syria and Turkey." , ss.109 - 128, 2021. 10.26650/siyasal.2021.30.1.862827
ISNAD Aslan, Murat - OZBEK, CUMA ALI. "Analysis of Transforming Security Through the Water Resources and Affiliated Conflicts Between 2000 and 2019: Case of Iraq, Syria and Turkey". (2021), 109-128. https://doi.org/10.26650/siyasal.2021.30.1.862827
APA Aslan M, OZBEK C (2021). Analysis of Transforming Security Through the Water Resources and Affiliated Conflicts Between 2000 and 2019: Case of Iraq, Syria and Turkey. Siyasal: Journal of Political Sciences (Online) , 30(1), 109 - 128. 10.26650/siyasal.2021.30.1.862827
Chicago Aslan Murat,OZBEK CUMA ALI Analysis of Transforming Security Through the Water Resources and Affiliated Conflicts Between 2000 and 2019: Case of Iraq, Syria and Turkey. Siyasal: Journal of Political Sciences (Online) 30, no.1 (2021): 109 - 128. 10.26650/siyasal.2021.30.1.862827
MLA Aslan Murat,OZBEK CUMA ALI Analysis of Transforming Security Through the Water Resources and Affiliated Conflicts Between 2000 and 2019: Case of Iraq, Syria and Turkey. Siyasal: Journal of Political Sciences (Online) , vol.30, no.1, 2021, ss.109 - 128. 10.26650/siyasal.2021.30.1.862827
AMA Aslan M,OZBEK C Analysis of Transforming Security Through the Water Resources and Affiliated Conflicts Between 2000 and 2019: Case of Iraq, Syria and Turkey. Siyasal: Journal of Political Sciences (Online) . 2021; 30(1): 109 - 128. 10.26650/siyasal.2021.30.1.862827
Vancouver Aslan M,OZBEK C Analysis of Transforming Security Through the Water Resources and Affiliated Conflicts Between 2000 and 2019: Case of Iraq, Syria and Turkey. Siyasal: Journal of Political Sciences (Online) . 2021; 30(1): 109 - 128. 10.26650/siyasal.2021.30.1.862827
IEEE Aslan M,OZBEK C "Analysis of Transforming Security Through the Water Resources and Affiliated Conflicts Between 2000 and 2019: Case of Iraq, Syria and Turkey." Siyasal: Journal of Political Sciences (Online) , 30, ss.109 - 128, 2021. 10.26650/siyasal.2021.30.1.862827
ISNAD Aslan, Murat - OZBEK, CUMA ALI. "Analysis of Transforming Security Through the Water Resources and Affiliated Conflicts Between 2000 and 2019: Case of Iraq, Syria and Turkey". Siyasal: Journal of Political Sciences (Online) 30/1 (2021), 109-128. https://doi.org/10.26650/siyasal.2021.30.1.862827