Examining the Impact of Empowering Leadership and Emotional Intelligence on Organizational Identification and Organizational Trust of the Employees: A Research in the Production Sector

Yıl: 2020 Cilt: 10 Sayı: 1 Sayfa Aralığı: 125 - 152 Metin Dili: İngilizce İndeks Tarihi: 13-12-2021

Examining the Impact of Empowering Leadership and Emotional Intelligence on Organizational Identification and Organizational Trust of the Employees: A Research in the Production Sector

In an intensely competitive environment, the companies in the production sector fall behind as a result of not showing performance at desired levels, which and leads to companies leaving the sector. Particularly in terms of leadership, the trust of employees in the subordinate hierarchy of organizations, as well as their identification with the organization, should be managed with an accurate understanding. The aim of this study is to analyze the concepts of empowerment leadership and emotional intelligence, the trust of employees in the organization, and the relationships between them within an organization. When the data obtained through the study was analyzed, it was found that leadership and emotional intelligence had a positive effect in the formation of trust and organizational identity among employees. Within the scope of the study, surveys were conducted with 381 white-collar workers (administrative personnel) who work in the production sector. Analyzes were made using SPSS 25 and AMOS programs. In addition, sobel test and hayes process were performed in mediation variable analysis. After both confirmatory and explanatory factor analysis, as well as reliability analysis, correlation analysis and regression analysis were used. Keywords emotional intelligence, organizational trust, empowering leadership, organizational identification, hayes process, sobel test, amos
Anahtar Kelime:

Çalışanların Örgüte Güvenlerine ve Örgütsel Kimliklerine Güçlendirici Liderlik ve Duygusal Zeka’nın Etkilerinin İncelenmesi: Üretim Sektöründe Bir Araştırma

Yoğun rekabet ortamında üretim sektöründe bulunan firmalar istenilen seviyede performans sergileyememeleri sonucunda rekabetin gerisinde kalmakta ve bulundukları pazarda güçlerini kaybetme riskiyle karşı karşıya kalabilmektedirler Firmaların performans kriterleri açısından başarılı olabilmesi için örgütlerin ast-üst hiyerarşisinde, çalışanların örgüte olan güvenlerinin sağlanabilmesi ve örgüt ile kendilerini özdeşleştirebilmeleri için doğru bir anlayışla yönetilmesi gerekmektedir. Bu çalışmanın amacı güçlendirici liderliğin ve duygusal zeka kavramlarının, çalışanların örgüte olan güvenlerini ve örgütle kendilerini özdeşleştirmeleri yönündeki ilişkilerin analiz edilmesidir. Anketlerin toplanması sonucunda elde edilen veriler analiz edildiğinde; Çalışanlarda örgütlerine karşı güçlü bir güven duygusu oluşmasında ve örgütsel kimlik kazanmalarında liderliğin ve duygusal zekanın olumlu yönde etkisi olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Anketler araştırmanın amacı kapsamında üretim sektöründe bulunan firmalarda çalışan 381 beyaz yakalıdan (idari personelden) toplanmıştır. SPSS 25 ve AMOS programları kullanılarak analizler yapılmıştır. Ayrıca aracı değişken analizinde sobel testi ve hayes process yapılmıştır. Anket de bulunan değişkenleri temsil eden ölçekler 5’li likert ölçeğinde hazırlandığı için doğrulayıcı ve açıklayıcı faktör analizleri yapıldıktan sonra güvenirlilik analizi yapılmıştır. Bu analizlerden sonra korelasyon analizi yapılarak değişkenler arasındaki ilişkiler incelenmiş, regresyon analizi yapılarak hipotezler test edilmiştir. Anahtar Kelimeler duygusal zeka, örgütsel güven, güçlendirici liderlik, örgütsel özdeşleşme, hayes process, sobel test, amos
Anahtar Kelime:

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APA ADIGUZEL Z, Uygun G (2020). Examining the Impact of Empowering Leadership and Emotional Intelligence on Organizational Identification and Organizational Trust of the Employees: A Research in the Production Sector. , 125 - 152.
Chicago ADIGUZEL Zafer,Uygun Gülay Examining the Impact of Empowering Leadership and Emotional Intelligence on Organizational Identification and Organizational Trust of the Employees: A Research in the Production Sector. (2020): 125 - 152.
MLA ADIGUZEL Zafer,Uygun Gülay Examining the Impact of Empowering Leadership and Emotional Intelligence on Organizational Identification and Organizational Trust of the Employees: A Research in the Production Sector. , 2020, ss.125 - 152.
AMA ADIGUZEL Z,Uygun G Examining the Impact of Empowering Leadership and Emotional Intelligence on Organizational Identification and Organizational Trust of the Employees: A Research in the Production Sector. . 2020; 125 - 152.
Vancouver ADIGUZEL Z,Uygun G Examining the Impact of Empowering Leadership and Emotional Intelligence on Organizational Identification and Organizational Trust of the Employees: A Research in the Production Sector. . 2020; 125 - 152.
IEEE ADIGUZEL Z,Uygun G "Examining the Impact of Empowering Leadership and Emotional Intelligence on Organizational Identification and Organizational Trust of the Employees: A Research in the Production Sector." , ss.125 - 152, 2020.
ISNAD ADIGUZEL, Zafer - Uygun, Gülay. "Examining the Impact of Empowering Leadership and Emotional Intelligence on Organizational Identification and Organizational Trust of the Employees: A Research in the Production Sector". (2020), 125-152.
APA ADIGUZEL Z, Uygun G (2020). Examining the Impact of Empowering Leadership and Emotional Intelligence on Organizational Identification and Organizational Trust of the Employees: A Research in the Production Sector. ADAM AKADEMİ Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 10(1), 125 - 152.
Chicago ADIGUZEL Zafer,Uygun Gülay Examining the Impact of Empowering Leadership and Emotional Intelligence on Organizational Identification and Organizational Trust of the Employees: A Research in the Production Sector. ADAM AKADEMİ Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi 10, no.1 (2020): 125 - 152.
MLA ADIGUZEL Zafer,Uygun Gülay Examining the Impact of Empowering Leadership and Emotional Intelligence on Organizational Identification and Organizational Trust of the Employees: A Research in the Production Sector. ADAM AKADEMİ Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, vol.10, no.1, 2020, ss.125 - 152.
AMA ADIGUZEL Z,Uygun G Examining the Impact of Empowering Leadership and Emotional Intelligence on Organizational Identification and Organizational Trust of the Employees: A Research in the Production Sector. ADAM AKADEMİ Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi. 2020; 10(1): 125 - 152.
Vancouver ADIGUZEL Z,Uygun G Examining the Impact of Empowering Leadership and Emotional Intelligence on Organizational Identification and Organizational Trust of the Employees: A Research in the Production Sector. ADAM AKADEMİ Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi. 2020; 10(1): 125 - 152.
IEEE ADIGUZEL Z,Uygun G "Examining the Impact of Empowering Leadership and Emotional Intelligence on Organizational Identification and Organizational Trust of the Employees: A Research in the Production Sector." ADAM AKADEMİ Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 10, ss.125 - 152, 2020.
ISNAD ADIGUZEL, Zafer - Uygun, Gülay. "Examining the Impact of Empowering Leadership and Emotional Intelligence on Organizational Identification and Organizational Trust of the Employees: A Research in the Production Sector". ADAM AKADEMİ Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi 10/1 (2020), 125-152.